7 grade - English
1. My world
(Учебник "Live Beat" 7 grade)
1a - I've got some photos.
- Vocabulary: House and furniture
- Parts of a house (Quizlet e-flashcards)
- Rooms (Quizlet e-flashcards)
- Fittings (Quizlet e-flashcards)
- Furniture (Quizlet e-flashcards)
1b - It was raining when we landed.
- Jobs (Quizlet e-flashcards)
1c - How much are they?
- Clothes (Quizlet e-flashcards)
- Accessories, styles, patterns (Quizlet e-flashcards)
2. Music, films, media, the Internet
- Types of music (e-flashcards Quizlet)
- Types of music (exercise)
- Musical instruments (e-flashcards Quizlet)
- Types of film (e-flashcards Quizlet)
- Adjectives of opinion (Прилагателни за изразяване на мнение) (e-flashcards Quizlet)
3. Life experiences
- Vocabulary: Holiday activities (e-flashcards)
- Таблица с неправилните глаголи в английския език с изговор и превод. (https://www.english-trainer.net/help/index.php?doc=12 )
- Да научим past participle (минало причастие) на някои неправилни глаголи с quizlet.com
- Irregular verbs
- Irregular Verb Wheel Game - Знаете ли формите на неправилните глаголи? Проверете с тази интерактивна игра-въртележка.
Да упражним образуване и употреба на Present Perfect
Present Perfect tense | |||
Learn Irregular Verbs here |
Present Perfect-Test | Present Perfect - since or for (exercise 1) | |
The "Have you ever...?" game | https://join.quizizz.com Game Code: 222238 | Present Perfect - since or for (exercise 2) |
- Present Perfect - Complete the sentences using the present perfect.
- Present Perfect - an interactive game (marks-english-school)
- Practice the Present Perfect with scenes from TV
- Present Perfect examples in song
- Adjectives of emotions (-ed and -ing adjectives) (e-flashcards Quizlet)
- Adjectives of emotion (exercise)
- Phrasal verbs with up (e-flashcards Quizlet)
- Phrasal verbs (exercise)
- Phrasal verbs with "up" (Quizizz Game Code - 098516) Homework, Deadline 25th January 2020
- So, such, so many, so much (Kahoot! Game ) Deadline 4th February, 2020
- So, such, so many, so much Homework (Quizizz Game Code - 459984) You should complete the quiz by 25th January 2020
- Past Continuous&Past Simple 1 (e-test) - 10 questions
- Past Continuous&Past Simple 2 (e-test) - 10 questions
- Past Continuous
- Grammar Interactive Monkey Fun Game - Past Simple&Past Continuous (was working, was driving, was walking, etc)
5a. Too big to see it all on foot
- Vocabulary: Transport (e-flashcards)
Match the nouns to the adjectives.
6 - That's life
- 6b - Vocabulary Relationship words and phrases - Quizlet flashcards
- 6b Grammar Time adverbials with past simple and present perfect simple
- We use recently (напоследък), up to now (досега), over the past few months (през последните няколко месеца), so far (досега, засега) and the present perfect simple tense when we refer to unfinished period of time.
- We use yesterday (вчера), last week (миналата седмица), a few weeks ago (преди няколко седмици) and the past simple tense when we refer to finished period of time.
- 6c - Vocabulary - Family (e-flashcards)
- Members of the Family in English
- Vocabulary Game - Family Memebers
7- Holidays and travel
- Present Perfect simple
- Present Perfect - since or for ( Homework Kahoot!Game) - https://kahoot.it/challenge/0801948 or PIN - 0801948
- Present perfect simple (Homework Kahoot!Game) - https://kahoot.it/challenge/0314458 or PIN - 0314458
- Computer language (Quizizz Game) - Join the game with this game code 935761 at https://join.quizizz.com
- Use of English - Reminders, promises, offers (hot potatoes matching exercise)
- 8c - Rules and obligation: must / have to
- Food & Drinks (Study set - Quizlet flashcards)
Fruit (Quizlet flashcards)
Vegetables (Quizlet flashcards)
Make, let, allowed to (exercise)
Future tenses - will, be going to, Present Continuous
- What will happen?
- Practise the Future Simple from TV:
Unit 9
- Relationship words and phrases (e-flashcards)
- Adjectives with prepositions (e-flashcards)
- Modal verbs
Modal verbs В тази тема ще затвърдите знанията за употребата на модалните глаголи: can, could, must, mustn't, have to, should, ought to, may, might. |
Can, could and would for invitations, offers, requests and permission Have to, must and should for obligation and advice |
- Modal verbs - Тест от 10 въпроса с избираем отговор (Модални глаголи) - И. Петкова
- Test - Modal verbs; phrasal verbs (look, do); gradable/ non gradable adjectives; adverbs of degree
Articles: a/an, the and "zero"article. 
- Articles - a/an, the Test 01
- Articles - a/an, the Test 02
- Articles - a/an, the, "zero" Test 1
- Articles - a/an, the, "zero" Test 2
- Articles - a/an, the, "zero" Test 3
- Articles - a/an, the, "zero" Test 4
- Articles - a/an, the, "zero" Test 5
Articles - a/an, the, "zero" Test 6
- Test All-Both-Several
- The definite article - video, exercises ( https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/)
Definite and Indefinite Articles - A/An/The - Basketball Game
Present Continuous and Present Simple
1. Present Continuous with Mr Bean - Spring Clean :)
2. Mr Bean( Present Continuous ) :)
3. Practice the Present Continuous with scenes from TV shows
4. The Present Simple - Grammar Snacks ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWJRwasIWnM )
Phrasal Verbs in Daily English Conversations
Moodle - click here Children in Victorian Times - Resources: |
- Check your English .ppt (Iskra Petkova) (Power Point quiz – students revise link words, adverbs, past simple and past participle of some irregular verbs,vocabulary - public places, communication,landmarks in London)
Europe Day - Are you smarter than a 5th grader? (.ppt) - Iskra Petkova (Find out how much you know about European Union)