E-Twinning project "Global Christmas traditions"

Учениците от ІІІ клас от ОУ "Св.Св. Кирил и Методий" с.Зараево изработиха коледни картички за своите връстници от 39 училища от различни европейски страни по е-Туининг проект "Global Christmas traditions".


E-Twinning project "Happy European Day of Languages" September 2013

В началото на 2013-2014 учебна година ученици от V и VІ клас от ОУ "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий" с. Зараево започнаха работа по е-Туининг проект  "Happy European Day of Languages", свързан с Европейския ден на езиците - 26 септември. Като част от дейностите по проекта учениците изработиха и изпратиха поздравителни картички до всички 43 училища-партньори от Хърватия, Англия, Франция, Гърция, Италия, Ирландия, Латвия, Полша, Румъния, Шотландия, Словения и Испания.


"Let's discover Europe" e-twinning project  2012-2013

  •   Information:

Students from all over Europe (some of them Special Needs students) exchange information about their respective countries, using a question-and-answer game. Once all the data has been collected, each country creates an ID card about a partner country; all the ID cards, built on a common template to allow unity, are collected to end up with an online booklet presenting Europe (Europe is understood here as European Union + a few volunteer countries not belonging to EU (yet).)


  • Tools to be used:

e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Twinspace, jigsawplanet, Voki, Communitywalk, GoogleDocs, Slideshare, Prezi, Smilebox, Wallwisher, Animoto, Picturetrail, Photopeach ...

  • Aims:

The students use English as a means of communication. They learn the basic facts about all the countries of Europe, using one another's answers to create their booklet about Europe. They use quite a lot of varied ICT tools (forums, wikis, online survey, online jigsaw puzzles, photo / video montages, onlipe maps ...)

  • Work process:

The two founders were in charge of reminding all the members of planned calendar and activities. The other members were free to choose which activities they want to join - except for the two most important activities for the final output: answering the students' questions and creating an ID card about a partner country.

  • September / October: My school and I (interactive games to get to know one another + photos of the schools.)
  • October:  a postcard from my country  (exchange of real mail between the different partners)
  • November - March: questions about the different countries (interaction between the partner countries).
  • December: How do you celebrate Christmas in your country? (exchange of information)

Christmas in our  school (Zaraevo, Bulgaria) - see here

Students from Zaraevo are writing Christmas wishes to all their project partners - see here

  • March/April: map creation - show us your country (collaborative online map + paper maps for some countries)

Students from Zaraevo made for all their project partners  and send "martenitsi"  and "Happy Grandma Marta" wishes as a part of the Bulgarian tradition   - see here 

  • April-May: Let's create a book about Europe (collaborative work). Let's create a quiz about Europe (collaborative work, based on all the information gathered throughout the project.)

You can see also our final book about Europe  here



  • May: evaluation of the project (students' self-assessment).


  • Expected results:

Creation of an interactive online map of Europe, edited by all the partners. Creation of an online book about EU + some other European countries, each country filling in an ID card about another country. Creation of a Quiz about Europe, using all the data gathered. Better knowledge and use of English as a means of communication. Better knowledge of ICT tools. Better knowledge of Europe, sens of European citizenship.


  • Европейски знак за качество за е-Туининг проект "Let's discover Europe"

Национален знак за качество - 2014


Знаците за качество по eTwinning се връчват на учители с отлични eTwinning проекти. Те показват, че проектът е достигнал определено ниво от националния и европейски стандарт. Знакът за качество е конкретно признание за високата степен на активност на учителите и училището по eTwinning.